
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Surprise Visit to Hotlanta

Over Father's Day weekend I had the rare opportunity to make a quick trip back to Atlanta for an AP Physics workshop - some professional learning for my career. It just so happened to fall on the holiday weekend, so I decided to drop in and surprise my dad for the occasion.My dad had been on a 2-week motorcycle trip with a friend all the way up the coast and into Canada, taking in the scenery and using his new passport for the first time! He arrived back home to see my brother and family that had also decided to surprise him for Father's Day. I dropped by the next day and the look that I got when he opened the door was one of excitement and sincere confusion - "what in the world was I doing there?" So I had a full day to catch up with everyone, share travel photos, sort through some foreign currency for my little brother, and enjoy the company.

Father's Day visit.........Dad's got serious raccoon eyes from his motorcycle trip.

Candace came through with the Publix cake that I requested for the event. Let's just say I had a craving.

Jason, Candace, and Arden - always great visiting with them.

She's really growing fast and developing quite a little personality.

I only had a week in Atlanta, but I was able to catch up with a surprising number of friends and family, even with my workshop taking up most of the time. The workshop itself was very helpful and it was held at the highly distinguished Woodward Academy in College Park. I had no idea that Keight went to such a remarkable school and although I searched everywhere for her retired jersey I couldn't find it anywhere!

Got my mexican food fix with my grandma, Amy, and Herb.

Aunt Amy spent an hour "power lunch" catching up with me - then back to work.

Grandma made the drive down from Blairsville just for lunch - that's what grandmas do.

Cookout at the Brazell's - my generous hosts.

Andrew and Meredith - next stop.....Frankfurt!!

Can a brother get some baked beans every now and then?  They don't sell those in Germany.

Mae and Buck - seems like only a month or so ago that we were all hanging out in Thailand.  Small world.

Very thankful for Buck giving me the joy of playing Rock Band for a couple of hours....until he broke the drum set on "expert".  This might be the only reason I'd want to have a t.v. in Germany.

It's always nice to get back in touch with home, and I really felt like I got my fix to get me through the next 6-12 months.
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